Monday, June 8, 2009

MacLove95 aka Kris Smith

Pookie made another friend. This time it was MacLove95. If only Mac hadn't been arguing with someone. If only he hadn't been standing in the church parking lot (which is a big no no). But Mac made poor decisions and Pookie had to take opportunity to nuzzle up to Mac. And so it happened just like that. Mac in the parking lot and Pookie cuddled up next to him and gave him a little shot of water in the side. Mac didn't take a liking to that, but after Pookie confessed that it was the hardest thing he had ever done all was forgiven and Mac joined in on the BFF's that are Cobra Commander and Pookie. Careful folks, there is a lot of befriending going around.

Mouse aka Michael Tita

The mouse had enough. No more Gotcha for him. He arranged a meeting between him and the black mamba which is never a good idea b/c we all know that Black Mambas are one of Africa's most deadly snakes and they like to feed on mice. So the mouse gave up and the Mamba got it's first kill.

Salley O'Malley aka Catherine Kercher

Salley didn't want to play...she just kicks-all day long. So the Pink Panther didn't have to pull any kind of sly maneuvers. The Panther walked up and Salley said, "I have someone where to go, please just don't get squirt my clothes." A squirt to the wrist later and all was over. But now the Panther is out and all should be concerned.

Cobra Commander aka Rachel Mitts

This was an epic battle...with a happy ending. Pookie pie had done some research and enlisted friends to set up Cobra Commander. It all happened this morning. Pookie and friends went to Cobra's house, one of the friends lured Cobra out with some snake charming and then Pookie took the cue and chased Cobra around the block...twice. In the end Cobra was no match for Pookie's ability to kill with kindness. Fortunately, Cobra holds no grudge because Pookie made them hug out their differences. Now they are best friends.

Tasselboots McGee aka Daniel Stephens

This was an intense one. Was he at working or was he not? Ultimately, the debate went Water Warrior who proved to be too much of a match for the pirate Tasselboots. But really did anyone think that it would have been an epic battle? His name is Tasselboots. He is obviously more concerned with the tassels on his boots than he is with winning this game.

Carson aka Josh Baker

Don't go home. That's the lesson that Carson learned. He had had a long day and just wanted to go to bed, but he wasn't prepared for the Blue Bobcat that was waiting for him. Carson got out of his car, the Bobcat lept out and with a fiery roar squirted Carson. But Carson was a good sport and they just laughed it off. So guys, beware of Blue Bobcats, I hear they are dangerous in these parts.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

empress shadow aka Erika Hart

Kindness is not the name of the game, folks. Take a lesson from empress shadow. She now knows that while playing this game, one does not try to help anyone out. The empress was actually making sure that the coast was clear for a buddy, when said buddy turned on her. The moment the car was off, the Red Hen pulled out a squirt bottle and let the empress have it. The empress is now dethroned and the Red Hen is now in reign.